Once upon a time in July I had a silly notion that this school year would start reasonably reasonable. And come September I’d get in rhythm. Then come October I’d swing back to cultivating my creative side, maybe drawing for Inktober. And in November? NaNoWriMo!
Alas, teaching is every bit the all consuming job it’s always been. Moreso now than ever. Ramped up expectations after a year apart. And the needs and struggles of our youth… daily I feel the tangible sense that we are barely in recovery, if that, from crisis and pain. My kids are so relieved to be back. They did indeed spend a year locked inside. Family members passed from COVID. The economic hardship and housing injustice swept their families but not the economic comeback. The traumas are immense.
Anyway, in the hustle of tired days, I haven’t drawn much. But this evening I’m forcing a pause to have date night with my daughter, and we are reminding each other of the fun, therapeutic, and satisfying joy of art.
The Inktober prompt was “fan.” I extrapolated and nursed that other neglected happy passion, the upcoming hoops season.