Announcing September Long Read: "Y the Last Man" by Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra, & Jose Marzán Jr.
Over September, based on a poll (zero folks filled out the Google Form, but 17 voters on the Twitter poll!), we’ll be re-reading Y the Last Man. Join us!

For the legions of voters disappointed that second-place finisher “Bone” didn’t make the cut… WE WILL READ “BONE” TOO! Let’s make that our October-November Long Read. The Comics Syllabus lives to serve.
As for “Y,” I’m reading from the Deluxe Editions, although the read-along should be a-okay 👍🏼 whatever format you’re reading. Rough reading schedule:
September 3-10, 2021: Deluxe Edition v1, issues 1-10
September 11-17, 2021: Deluxe Edition v2, issues 11-23
September 18-24, 2021: Deluxe Edition v3, issues 24-36
September 25- October 1: Deluxe Edition v4, issues 37-48
October 2- 7, 2021: Deluxe Edition v5, issues 48-60
I’ll post thoughts, images, and comments from that volume/run of issues on the last day of that stretch of the read-through. I’ll also podcast some thoughts, and I’d love to share insights from y’all if you read along! Paid subscribers can comment on these posts.
Thank you for following Comics Syllabus! All this is made possible by paid subscribers, so big thanks to you for supporting Comics Syllabus.
At the end of this run of posts and podcasts about Y the Last Man, I’ll share a supporter-only episode, summing up thoughts about the entire series, and maybe some commentary on the Hulu/FX show coming September 13.
Hey subscribers-with-commenting-powers… What’s your history with “Y the Last Man”? Your take on it? Thumbs up or thumbs down? Yorrick: intolerable or relatable?