Edo Brenes writes and draws “Memories from Limón,” a graphic novel from Nobrow (2022), a journey back into hometown memory and history in a Costa Rican town, discovering family stories and secrets. We consider the storytelling power of following the protagonist, Ramiro, as he discovers this past through conversations with relatives over a trove of old photographs.
Then, at 23:00, we look at Olivia Stephens’ “Artie and the Wolf Moon” (Graphic Universe/Lerner, 2021), about an adolescent girl who discovers her family heritage… not through photographs but through finding out they’re WEREWOLVES! This middle grade/YA graphic novel richly depicts the freedom of running through the woods as a family of benevolent werewolves, as well as the joys and hazards of adolescence in the social world of malevolent teenagers (and vampires!).
Comics Syllabus podcast comes semi-regularly, reviewing graphic novels and comics from an educator’s angle, as well as exploring Substack’s comics creators. Toward that latter goal, a few mentions from the episode (starting about 34:30):
“Love to Hear from You,” Love Everlasting pod, with Tom Müller:
Nimona show announcement from I’m Fine I’m Fine Just Understand:
Mike and Mike with David Harper on Off Panel: https://sktchd.com/podcast/off-panel-349-dynamic-mannequins-with-mike-del-mundo-and-mike-huddleston/
Tom Brevoort’s on here:
Blue Book: https://jamestynioniv.substack.com/s/blue-book process post:
Founders for 3w3m:
Not comics: VOLTS podcast with David Roberts talks to Paulina Jaramillo on IPCC climate solutions report:
Thanks for listening! Will you help us out and let folks know about Comics Syllabus?
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