Sunday Substack Comics... Class...
Not many comics to review. But many newsletter-y lessons to spew.
Hi Substackios. I’ve been a little more rare on this Substack because, while life has stayed busy and this work has lived mostly on the margins (as in, the 1am groggy draftings), the easy excuse is… well… there’s not much to talk about.
The consistent and early comics-givers are still posting pages at a regular clip. Chip Zdarsky and Kagan MacLeod’s Kaptara. Tynion IV and Oeming’s Blue Book. Lemire’s Fish Flies. I keep enjoying those and will review them when there’s more of a chunk to review.
Others are sharing old content for subscribers, posting process bits, or… silent. (I’m looking at you, Saladin Ahmed’s “Copper Bottle, ” last post one month ago…) Skottie Young announced that future Fairyland comics would be free for any subscribers, and I don’t begrudge anyone else getting the perks that came with becoming a paid subscriber, I just find the change-up to add to my feeling that Substacks comics has been a… different return-on-investment than anticipated. To put it nicely.
The Goings-Ons Going On ‘Round Here
Exciting news, though: “I’m Fine I’m Fine Just Understand” is ND Stevenson’s new Substack, and I’m in!!! Stevenson is the creator behind “Nimona” and lots of really super significant comics of the past decade. Considering Substack’s regrettable platforming and profiting from writers whose anti-trans statements have been hurtful, the work Stevenson’s posting on mental health and very personal, profound experiences is a powerful counter-narrative. This Polygon interview about it is awesome.

Meanwhile, I do feel like it’s a treat to read about Sophie Campbell’s process, Kelly Thompson’s process essays, even the Stegman-Cates hijinks. I’m getting the most value and enjoyment out of Zdarsky’s and Lemire’s Substacks, including the Zoom call Chip did with Matt Rosenberg that I got to sit in on.
But maybe surprisingly, my favorite goings-on have been Molly Ostertag’s “In the Telling” and Mr. Scottober Snyder’s giant online classes at Best Jackett, where these two very different, very gifted creators delve deep into how to make comics.
What about THIS substack?
But as for THIS Substack, the Comics Syllabus, I have to admit to y’all intimate group of a few faithful followers that I’m somewhat adrift and maybe discouraged.
The Comics Syllabus podcast has always had a very kind but pretty small listenership. It has grown recently, and I can’t tell if that’s from real listeners or some bot-based podcast-baiting-business scams, since I get emails almost daily from this or that aggregating/boosting/promoting startup inviting me to monetize! network! expand! my tiny, weird little podcast. I’ve always been pretty skeptical of the numbers, and honestly, one little email or tweet from Johnny or Rachelle or Nick or Brian or any of y’all friends means more than two thousand dodgy “listener” numbers.
All that to say, it’d mean the world to me if you help me get the word out…
…and I will keep podcasting, covering Substack comics, talking about comics and education (and hopefully soon some posts about comics, climate action, and racial justice), and trying to see if there’s a community or audience out there for this.
Meanwhile, if I’m writing a bit less, it’s because I’m embarking a bit more on creating by applying what Ostertag and Snyder are teaching, trying to craft some storytelling of my own. Keep your eyes here for my updates about that.
And meanwhile meanwhile, my school district’s considering closing down our school, my colleagues and I continue to try to make miracles in the classroom, and my students and family stay amazing and deserving of me at my best. So I’ll keep trying…