Just a quick note. What a day for digital converts among us US comics nerds!
WEBTOON dropped its first bit of DC fun, Wayne Family Adventures. Three chapters. I LOVE that it's categorized under “Slice of Life.”
Marvel Unlimited unveiled its new app update, with a new logo (mmm…. not a fan…) and most exciting of all, unique releases in its “Infinity Comics” format. Hickman and Shalvey doing X-Men??? Kelly Thompson and Gurihiru doing Jeff the Landshark??? Marvel Unlimited is just a headscratchingly good deal.
Another Comixology Originals announcement, this time Stephanie Philips and Peter Krause doing “We Only Kill Each Other”, and Comixology keeps adding to its deck of great creators (cf the Scott Snyder outburst coming soon) making that Comixology Unlimited sub I have look pretty dang worthwhile, on top of the huge catalogue of Fantagraphics, Marvel and DC, and all manner of other publishers’ comics they make free. Even as they get swallowed up MORE by their Amazon overlords.
Tynion IV makes news with his “Empire of the Tiny Onion” Substack about… ah, that’s not really news.
I’ll be honest. It’s so much news that I’m talking about news! I’m not normally one who covers comics news, though I certainly follow it.
But maybe that’s just because, although I still have stacks and stacks and endless stacks of physical comics to read, the Substacks comics beat is… a slow trickle… three pages of “Three Moons, Three Worlds,” three pages of Zdarsko’s “PUBLIC DOMAIN,” a few books of Skottie Young sketches, and a few pages of intriguing Lemire right at the door. But so far… lots of subs, not much comics. Lots of great educational content and behind-the-scenes… not much comics.
Some complaining commenters at “Three Moons, Three Worlds” are already taking their monthly sub money and going home. I sympathize. But I’m locked in for the annual, so I’m just waiting and pining.
But meanwhile, I figure my “beat” is to review and analyze what’s coming to us through DC Universe Infinite, Marvel Unlimited, Comixology Unlimited… and now, WEBTOONS! So let’s revive the…
Where we read widely and dig deep in the worlds of digitally available comics that we will never possible catch up on consuming all of.
(Coming soon to a Comics Syllabus Substack near you.)